среда, 17 февраля 2010 г.

*I* am stronger than this. | We Are Stronger Than This

That and he's been willing to take random polygraphs and do anything to ensure that that one thing never has to be a concern for me. But when it's come to the pain that I've endured, the trust that's been shattered, the effort required ...

вторник, 16 февраля 2010 г.

OR S.Ct. last week « Oregon Criminal Defense

The court may eventually conclude that unrelated questions, coupled with a show of authority, etc., do implicate Article I, section 9, but nevertheless are permissible if the restriction is no greater than that which is already lawfully imposed on the ... 2-17 (MPD-Hillsboro): Polygraph Workshop - Roger Cook. 3-3 (MPD-Hillsboro): Miller/Subjective PC-Ryan O'Connor. 3-11 (MPD-Portland): Legislative Update - Gail Meyer. 3-18 (MPD-Portland): PTSD - Roberta Ballard, PhD ...

Monster In The Closet: LOONEY TUNE BABY

He said, “The burden of proof lies with them and if you didn't do it you have nothing to worry about and don't take a lie detector test because they aren't fool proof and they aren't admissible in court anyway. ...

пятница, 12 февраля 2010 г.

Sharon Udasin » Blog Archive » Hurling Curses Amid The Whitefish

“I'd take a lie detector test â€" there's not one new member that has been here on Friday night or Saturday. Not even their leaders.” At the center of the struggle stands Rabbi Simon Jacobson and his Meaningful Life Center. ...

Fun With a Lie Detector! | 24hnews

... do not trust those things. people have been able to cheat sophisticated polygraphs so im sure u could tell the truth and it say ur lying. if i pulled one out to use on someone they might use it on me. they could ask questions that i ...

среда, 10 февраля 2010 г.

polygraph schools: The Lie detector - UB40 Forums

The Lie detector - UB40 Forums. John was a salesman's delight when it came to any kind of unusual gimmicks. His wife Marsha had long ago given up trying to get him to change.One day John came home with. Автор: alen на 10:12 ...

вторник, 9 февраля 2010 г.

Dick Destiny » Job Openings at the CIA

Stan didn't have my resume, my PHS or any information on my scientific background, the reason I was being interviewed, so he didn't ask any questions, preferring instead to talk about himself. ... I asked Stan about the polygraph screening and nature of the psychological testing. He laughed nervously but said, “Everybody has to go through it and it's not any fun. But security believes very strongly in it and the agency works hard to get candidates through the lie-detector ...

вторник, 2 февраля 2010 г.

CIA moonlights in corporate world | NWOTruth

Polygraph machines work by measuring a person's physical responses, such as heart rate, that indicate stress. Analysts using the machine need to sit with their subject for a long time. They have to establish a person's physiological ... BIA doesn't just offer training, though. For a fee, its officers do the analysis themselves. Often, BIA deploys its CIA-trained operatives to analyze quarterly corporate-earnings calls. Those conference calls are an important Wall Street ...